Monday, November 29, 2010

Rome Wasn't Built In A Day

I spoke to one of my clients this past week. I'd written a bible for him and was following up to see what had come of it. Apparently his financial partner hadn't seen the immediate sale and financial return they'd been expecting and has shelved the project. To be honest, I don't know if they ever completed the visuals for the bible - I was just involved with the writing part - or if they'd ever pitched it to a broadcaster or production company. They just stopped working on it.

There's an old saying, "No one ever fails in Show Biz - They just give up before they succeed."

Freaky Stories took about 8 years to reach the TV screen. There were so many years when everyone thought I was crazy. But I kept at it and while today the show is ancient history - it's well regarded ancient history - and I'm fine with that.

At the same time, my latest project BRAIN EATIN' ZOMBIE BABIES hasn't taken the world by storm -- yet. But it's young, we're learning and pushing it in new directions. We're about to re-jig the format a bit. We're planning a community event (so all you Toronto Zombie Fans stay tuned) and 2011 may be BEZB's breakout year. Remember none of the big YouTube sites went big from Day One. Like the subject line says, "Rome Wasn't Built In A Day".

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