Thursday, February 25, 2010


Hey Guys - I need your help. It's fast. It's easy - and I'd really appreciate it.

I've entered a contest called "CLIFF YOUR RIDE". It's sponsored by AUTO TRADER, a used-car want-ad magazine and website. The contest invites people to send in videos explaining why their car is the worst car in Canada. Auto Trader will throw the "winning" car off a cliff - and give the winner a bunch of money to buy a new car.

The 20 most popular videos will be judged on; originality, personality of the presenter and demonstrated need for a new car.

You can watch my video and VOTE FOR ME -- HERE

(My video is only a minute long, so its not a huge investment in time. You will have to register in order to vote - you register after you vote. A hassle, yes - but please do.)

You can view the other entries at

Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.

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