Brain Eatin' Zombie Babies was just profiled at - a website devoted to promoting creator driven genre video. You can check out the words of wisdom from yours truly, its genius-creator here.
NOT SAFE FOR WORK - Rude content. Sorry if you're offended.
Okay. A frank discussion. Someone asked today, what I thought of his pitch/demo. Not to spend much time on it - it was "The Flintstones with dick jokes". The jokes weren't overly funny and the dick jokes... well, they were dick jokes. Now if the writing had been funny - and the animation well done, that would have been another story. But this was mediocre humor and art, relying on dubious shock value to carry it.
That's not to say that some low rent humor isn't very well done. It's a genre. Its a style - and like everything else in life -- 98% of it is worthless. But that 2%. Ooh... that sweet 2%. That's what's worth living for.
But this wasn't that sweet 2%.
So getting back to a show about dick jokes. A couple of questions: Who is the audience? and Where are you going to sell it? Well, the audience is guys. Probably 14 to 35 is my guess. But it will be only guys - because women won't find this material funny for more than one viewing. Nor will they want it on when they're around.
Now comes the bigger problem. Who are you going to sell this to? Because most of the Broadcast Executives are... wait for it... WOMEN. And this will become a very short pitch meeting.
Okay - so if you take the dick jokes out of it - you've got "The Flintstones" - but that's been done... about 40 years ago and much better.
Four days in and we're well in excess of 400 views. Good - but ultimately not good enough. While I know that Zombie Babies theoretically could go viral at any time, I want to make it happen sooner rather than later. Frankly, if I have any hopes of monetizing the project, the numbers will have to be in the millions of views. Hundreds is flattering - but I need millions.
I'm somewhat in awe of videos that are innocently posted and go viral overnight.
Through FaceBook, I've pestered everyone that I know into watching the video. I'm sure that by now, they're cringing the 29 episodes yet to come. For that reason I've decided to expand my horizons and go after a much wider audience.
I've signed up with several Social Network Clearing sites - sites that skim the ongoing media stream and post interesting links to their readers. These include,,, and The premiere video has been submitted - as will all the subsequent episodes. There are a few key sites, such as - where I'm waiting until we have a number of videos posted before I make a submission. If "Brain Eatin' Zombie Babies - Episode #17" is the one that breaks big - everything will break big. A single episode gone viral will lead people back to the other chapters.
I've also started a FaceBook group for Zombie Babies. For those who are interested (and FaceBook Members, you can sign up HERE. It'll be THE place for all the news Zombie Babies related.
MEANWHILE - I've actually started work on the Pitch Bible for Zombie Babies. Why would I do that - considering the first look is up on the information highway? When the time comes to speak with potential sponsors, we need to leave them with material to review. Also, should there be mainstream media interest in the project - again, we need to provide a comprehensive overview of what the Zombie Babies are. Having it all down in a well produced document means that I'll never be at a loss for words.
Here is the premiere episode of my new web-show, BRAIN EATIN' ZOMBIE BABIES. The plan is to release 2 mini-episodes per week for the next 15 weeks. Can we build an audience? Will this go viral? Like a great man once said - nobody knows...
Many years ago, when I was a sound editor on The Inspector Gadget Show, I enjoyed a unique experience. As my wife and I walked past a schoolyard, we heard one of the kids call out, "Go Go Gadget Penis!" When we finished laughing, I said that was one sound effect we never got around to making...
The point is that for the first time, I got to see my work enter the public consciousness. It wasn't a case where people, being polite, mentioned my show. These were complete strangers who were oblivious to me and my part in its production.
Similar things happened during my work on The Magic School Bus and later, on Freaky Stories. I would hear complete strangers referencing my work. And believe me, that is a strange experience. It continues today where Freaky Stories has almost 8,000 fans on FaceBook. EIGHT THOUSAND people (!!!) signed up to get notices about Freaky Stories. Complete strangers. It must be absolutely mind boggling to the creators and production team of major hit series to get millions of fans liking your work.
So what is the "cultural investment" in a show? I really don't know. You do your work. You be creative - but the one thing that you have to keep in mind, something that most people forget during the hustle of production: The show that you're working on, is somebody's favorite show. Ever.
I think there's a responsibility that comes with that. The thing that you've created touches someone's life. Maybe they go on to a career in film, TV or the arts. Maybe "House" inspires someone to become a doctor. Maybe that doctor finds the cure for a terrible disease - all because of a prime-time TV show.
Often the creators of a show don't realize what it is that they're working with. Case in point, this New Yorker article on Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers mogul Haim Saban - in which he smirkingly refers to the Power Rangers as "Five retards in spandex".
I guess they were - and those "Five retards in spandex" made him a billionaire. Who knew?
Jim Henshaw's excellent blog, THE LEGION OF DECENCY this week features an article about the state of "the art" here in Canada, and probably most places for that matter.
Further to my last post - another thing to consider is whether your new partners will be "network approved".
What is "network approved"? you ask.
The network, broadcaster, distributor or production company is paying for your production. Face it - somebody has to pay for it, or it doesn't get made. Their big concern (because of schedules, advertising revenue, etc.) are the "Deliverables" - the material which you as the producer are supposed to provide to them in a timely manner.
Clear so far? They give you money - you give them the program. Okay. Let's move on.
They (let's call them "The Network") need to have a level of comfort, in that you and your team can deliver The Deliverables to them, on time and on budget. How does The Network do this?
For one - they usually insist that your team is "Network Approved". They have to know your players. You might not have to be Network Approved. You're the creator - so you're in. But you will most likely have to partner with someone who has demonstrated experience by working on a show in the past. And this can be a deal breaker. The Network absolutely needs this.
Here's the thing. If you're free and clear - and The Network insists that you partner with Producer John Smith (and you like John Smith's work) - you're in good shape. If on the other hand, you've got Eddie, your best pal from high school, locked in contractually as Producer - then you have problems. Because The Network doesn't know Eddie (assuming that Eddie is from outside the biz - if he's experienced - GREAT - otherwise not-so-great). And if they don't know Eddie or his work, there is no level of comfort that he (and by extension, you) can deliver the show. They don't want people who are 'learning on the job' to be running the show.
Make sense? Entourage makes for great TV. Hiring your best buddies works fine if you're an A-List actor, producer or director. But for those of us in the trenches - not a good thing. Fun show though...
PLEASE NOTE - The "No Bullsh*tting Here" post has been removed for the time being. A troll has been fixating on it. Time for him to move on. It will be reposted sometime in the future.