Friday, January 14, 2011

Time Flies Like An Arrow. Fruit Flies Like A Banana...

While speaking with a friend recently, he mentioned that he was planning to move forward with his project "sometime in the Spring". That's good. His project is finally moving forward (he's writing a book).

Then he said that he'd get started after he did his Taxes. I scratched my head. Taxes? It's January. You don't have to file until April. What's the wait? Why not get started now?

He gave me 10 good reasons why he should wait. And you know what? Every one of his reasons for not moving forward with his 'dream project' was a good reason. And you know what else?

That's fine.

Because after Tax season, he'll put it off until he finds some time in the Summer. Then human nature being what it is, he'll put it off until the Fall (because everyone's busy in the Summer and why be stuck inside writing when he can be enjoying himself outside) - and then Fall is also busy, so he'll put it off until after the holidays - - - and a year later, we're back where we started.

The bottom line - He will never finish or even start his dream project. And that's his choice.

The people who get things done (in this, or in any business) are the people who look at the calendar and ask themselves, "Where would I like to be in 5 years time?"

Do I want to change my life?
Do I want to see what's over that next hill?

Once, a long time ago - I was watching some crappy cartoon on TV. I thought to myself, "I can do better than that." So I got up out of my chair. And my life has been so much better because I did.


  1. "Do or do not. There is no 'try'."
    --- Yoda.

    Words to live by.

  2. Amazing post, love the ending.

    "Once, a long time ago - I was watching some crappy cartoon on TV. I thought to myself, "I can do better than that." So I got up out of my chair. And my life has been so much better because I did."
